Hunting in a Farmer’s World: A Book Review by Bob Morris
How and why all “farms” need both hunters and farmers.
Blogging on Business by Bob Morris
During his remarks at an annual meeting of GE shareholders, then chairman and CEO, Jack Welch, said wanted GE to behave like a small company: “For one, they communicate better… Second, small companies move faster… Third, in small companies, with fewer layers and less camouflage, the leaders show up very clearly on the screen… And, finally, smaller companies waste less… ”
This way of doing business is the result of a mindset, what John Dini would characterize as the “hunter’s mindset.” In fact, it’s a business way of life. As he explains, “Building a business isn’t just an ‘itch.’ Entrepreneurs are driven to hunt and win. Some are born, some choose to be entrepreneurs and some stumble into it by circumstance. Not all entrepreneurs own a business, and not all business owners are entrepreneurs. But entrepreneurs are the hunters of the 21st century and they all have specific traits in common.”
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Real Entrepreneurs Are Hunters Rather Than Farmers
From The Huffington Post article by Marty Zwilling
“Most entrepreneurs believe they are “different,” but they can’t quite understand how. They usually explain it by insisting that they are driven to follow their passion, need to be their own boss, want to get rich quick, or want to change the world. I now believe that the roots of the difference may go back more than 10,000 years, when hunting and farming became two different lifestyles.” Read More >>
Marty Zwilling‘s passion is nurturing the development of entrepreneurs by providing first-hand mentoring, funding assistance, and business plan development.
He is Founder and CEO of Startup Professionals, a company that provides products and services to startup founders and small business owners.
Like a Chiropractor for Entrepreneurs
From HugDug by Seth Godin
“This book doesn’t feel like the usual big-company how-to business book. It is more personal than that, and more focused. John’s breakthrough is to take a fundamental truth about human nature and apply it, with laser focus, to the act of starting and running a business. I wrote about this four years ago, and John has made it real using thousands of hours of face to face consulting to fill in the details.” Read More >>
Seth Godin shares great books to help raise money for charities that make the world a better place. He is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker.
The 2014 New York Book Festival
Hunting in a Farmer’s World was the Winner in the Best Business Book category at the 2014 New York Book Festival. The annual program honors books deserving greater attention from the world’s publishing capital. Winners were selected based on the story telling ability of the author and the potential of the work to win wider recognition. The festival is sponsored by JM Northern Media LLC which is a company focused on media and the people who make it. Founded in 1999, they produce annual events and report on the people who are making
things happen in the world of digital media and beyond.
San Antonio Author Recognized with National Award
18th Annual Independent Publisher Book Awards
John F. Dini of San Antonio, Texas; author of “Hunting in a Farmer’s World, Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur,” is the 2014 National Silver Medal winner in the Business Book category. Mr. Dini will accept the award on May 28th at Providence NYC in New York during Book Expo America, the largest publishing event in the country.” The award recognizes excellence in independently published books where only 275 of the 5,500 entries were recognized in the 78 national categories. Read More >>
Local Author Wins National Book Award
San Antonio Business Journal Article by Mike W. Thomas
John F. Dini, a San Antonio-based author, has been awarded the National Silver Medal by the 18th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards. Dini was honored in the business books category for his book “Hunting in a Farmer’s World, Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur.” The book looks at the thought processes of modern day “hunters,” or those who create opportunities for others. The book notes that while small business owners makeup just 3 percent of the population, they create almost two-thirds of new jobs. The book discusses why these people are driven to build and create, and why they succeed.
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The 2014 International Book Awards
Los Angeles – American Book Fest announced the winners and finalists of the International Book Awards (IBA). These awards honor excellence in independent and mainstream publishing. Over 300 winners and finalists were announced in over 80 categories. Awards were presented for titles published in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Hunting in a Farmer’s World by John F. Dini was a recognized finalist in the General Business category. View complete list of winners >>
The 2014 San Francisco Book Festival
Hunting in a Farmer’s World received an Honorable Mention in the business category at the San Francisco Book Festival. The annual festival celebrates the best books of the spring. Submitted works were judged by a panel of experts using the following criteria: 1) General excellence and the author’s passion for telling a good story and
2) The potential of the work to reach a wider audience.
The 2014 Indie Excellence Awards
Hunting in a Farmer’s World was a recognized Finalist in the Business Entrepreneurship & Small Business category at the 2014 National Indie Excellence® Awards (NIEA). NIEA was created to help establish self-publishing as a proud, legitimate, and strong facet of the publishing industry. The initiative celebrates the best of books in print – which includes, covers, interior layouts, and titles. Winners and finalists are determined based on “overall excellence of presentation in addition to the writing. View the complete list of winners.>>
Entrepreneurial Personalities:
Small business owners, emphasize your unique strengths
Factory and Small Business Blog by Gage Price, President, MP Star Financial
Have you ever felt as though you were different from other people? Do you love brainstorming new ideas? Do regularly scheduled cyclical tasks bore you? If so, then author John Dini, an executive business coach for The Alternative Board (TAB), would most likely tell you that you’re a hunter, not a farmer. John’s most recent (award winning!) book, Hunting in a Farmer’s World: Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur, describes that concept in detail – and, today, we’re going to share what we learned in a one-on-one interview with John.
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S.A. Consultant Wins Book Awards
San Antonio Express News Article by David Hendricks
San Antonio business consultant John Dini has won two recent awards for his book, “Hunting in a Farmer’s World.” The book was named 2014 Best Business Book at the New York Book Festival. It also won the National Silver Medal award in the business book category by the 18th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards. Dini accepted the silver-medal award during the recent Book Expo America, a publishing event in New York.
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